
16.7.2024: I was interviewed about the political representation of animals for the podcast Tier und Jetzt’ of the German NGO Animal Society. The episode can be found here.

24.5.2024: On 29.5.2024, I will be giving a talk in the workshop Animals in Political Decision-Making at the University of Lausanne.

17.5.2024: Dr. Leonie Bossert and I are giving a talk on Large Language Models, Search Engine Ranking, and Justice for Animals’ at the workshop Animal ethics and AI ethics: how do they intersect?’.

15.5.2024: My Master-student Gin Burri won the 2023 Max Fäh prize for the best Master-thesis of the department of philosophy in Basel. Congratulations, Gin!

29.4.2024: Prof. Steve Cooke, University of Leicester (England) is currently my guest (senior fellow) at the Forum Basiliense. We will be working together on the project Animal Liberation and Humans’ Freedom in Liberal Societies’. Welcome in Basel, Steve!

24.4.2024: I am honoured that I was appointed as the first junior Fellow at the Center for Animal Ethics of Pompeu Fabra University 2024.

5.3.2024: The workshop Rethinking Institutions for Animals that I am co-organizing with my PhD student Emnée van den Brandeler is taking place on 7th and 8th of March 2024.

28.2.2024: The philosophical society of Basel, of which I am currently the president, has published its program for spring 2024. The topic will be Forgotten voices — the topic of canon expansion’.

20.2.2024: A Masterstudent in animal ethics from the University of Strasbourg will do an internship in my PRIMA-Project from February to June. Bienvenue de retour, Marie!

9.2.2024: On 18.2.2024, I will be giving a public talk on the ethics of killing animals at Stapferhaus Museum in Lenzburg. More information can be found here.

8.2.2024: I am invited to give a talk in the ‘Ethics, Politics and Animals Workshop in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. I will talk about Large Language Models LLM, Search Engine Organization SEO and their impact on animals.

11.1.2024: I was invited to give a talk on the political representation of animals in the political neutrality’ research group in Paris (France).

24.11.2023: Lovely news — the Swiss Federal Council elected me into the Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology ECNH for the period of 2024 to 2027!

1.11.2023: Ich bin an ein Podiumsgespräch im Stadthaus Zürich eingeladen zum Thema «Vom Streichelzoo zur Schlachtbank - Unsere konfliktreiche Beziehung zu Tieren».

15.10.2023: It is now possible to register for the 2nd Swiss animal and environmental ethics network meeting that I am co-organizing. All information can be found here.

5.10.2023: Good news! My application that I have co-written together with Prof. Steve Cooke (University of Leicester) an which was submitted to the Forum Basiliense was approved. Steve will visit my research group in spring 2023 for 7 weeks to collaborate on the project Animal Liberation and Humans’ Freedom in Liberal Societies’.

1.10.2023: A Masterstudent in animal ethics from the University of Strasbourg will do an internship in my PRIMA-Project from October to the end of the year. Bienvenue, Pauline!

25.9.2023: I will be speaking at a roundtable on ethical and legal aspects regarding genetically modified surplus animals in animal research at the University of Geneva.

20.9.2023: The program of the Basel society of philosophy (of which I am the president) has been published. The details can be found here.

17.7.2023: I was invited to a podium discussion in Munich (Germany) on 19.7.2023, about pandemic prevention. My talk will center around One Health, animals, and ethics. More information about the panel can be found here:

28.4.2023: My monograph The Moral Implications of Human and Animal Vulnerability’ was published open access with Palgrave Macmillan. It can be downloaded free of charge here.

25.4.2023: Two Masterstudents in animal ethics from the University of Strasbourg will do an internship in my PRIMA-Project during the month of May. Bienvenue à Marie et Margaux!

27.3.2023: The project of my former postdoctoral researcher Matthias Eggel on improving harm-benefit analysis in animal research was selected in the 2nd call for proposals in NRP 79 Advancing 3R” of the Swiss National Science Foundation. Congratulations, Matthias, for this fantastic achievement!

24.3.2023: To my great surprise and delight, I have been informed that I have been nominated for the Teaching Excellence Awards at the University of Basel (category: service to teaching). I thank those students who nominated me — what a lovely surprise.

10.3.2023: I will be giving a public talk on animals and politics (in German) at the library of the University of Berne. More information can be found here.

1.3.2023: The program of the philosophical society Basel (of which I am currently president) has been published. The topic is variety of life forms’ and the list of talks for the spring semester can be found here.

24.2.2023: I was invited to give a talk on the ethics of animal research in the Winterschool on Ethics of Neuroscience and AI in Berlin from February 27th to March 3rd 2023, organized by the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin and the Berlin School of Mind and Brain.

24.1.2023: I am currently (January and February 2023) an academic visitor in the Law & Philosophy Group at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.

1.12.2022: I am giving quite a few talks in November and December:

  • On 21.11.2022, I gave a talk on Emergency planning in Animal Facilities –Ethical Issues at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland).

  • On 3.12.2022, I was invited to give a talk on The Political Representation of Animals — Problems and Pitfalls at the University of Strasbourg (in French).

  • On 8.12.2022, I was invited to give a talk at the Emergency Planning Symposium on Emergency Planning in Animal Research Facilities: Ethical Issues in Berne.

  • On 9.12.2022, I was invited to give a talk on Animal Research that Respects Animals’ Rights (“La recherche animale peut-elle respecter les droits des animaux ?”) at the 1ère journée d’éthique en expérimentation animale du CIEPAL-Azur (Nice, France; in French).

22.11.2022: The article Limited Aggregation for Resolving Human-Wildlife Conflicts that I co-wrote with Matthias Eggel was published in Ethics, Policy & Environment.

11.10.2022: I am going to be one of the speakers at the public event le véganisme est-il un impératif moral?, organised by the University of Neuchâtel philosophy students’ association Phink!.

7.10.2022: I am going to be one of the keynotes at the conference Utopia Animalia, taking place on Monte Verita.

27.9.2022: I was invited to give academic career advice to PhD students in the field of animal ethics at the Animal Rights PhD Researcher Networking Workshop’, organized by Prof. Steve Cooke (Leicester University)

1.9.2022: My article Limited aggregation and zoonotic disease outbreaks, co-written with Matthias Eggel, has been published open access in the volume Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility.

6.5.2022: I was invited to present advice on academic career planning for early career female researchers at the ‘Réseau romand de mentoring pour femmes’ meeting at EPFL in Lausanne.

22.4.2022: I was elected as president of the philosophy society of Basel, starting Autumn 2022, together with my colleague Wacyl Azzouz. The first series of lectures we organize will be on the topic of philosophy and war. The program can be found here:

5.4.2022: I am co-organizing two workshops in animal ethics and environmentmental ethics:

26.6.2021: My PhD student Emnée van den Brandeler won the Vonne Lund Prize at the 2021 Congress of the European Society for Agriculture and Food Ethics (EurSafe) for the best student oral paper presentation. Her paper can be read here (open access). Congratulations, Emnée!

21.6.2021: My article Epidemics and food security: the duties of local and international communities’ was published in the conference proceedings Justice and food security in a changing climate, edited by H. Schübel and I. Wallimann-Helmer. It can be read here (open access).

22.3.2021: Matthias Eggel will join my team as a postdoc on April 1st! Welcome, Matthias!

21.3.2021: FORBES discusses in the essay Tackling Racial Discrimination: Can Unconscious Bias Training Create Real Change? the article Interventions designed to reduce implicit prejudices and implicit stereotypes in real world contexts: a systematic review I co-wrote with Chloë Fitzgerald, Delphine Berner and Samia Hurst.

16.3.2021: Die Kommission für Tierversuchsethik KTVE, bei welcher ich Mitglied bin, publiziert die Stellungnahme: Umgang mit Versuchstieren während der Covid-19 Pandemie.

2.2.2021: The article Preventing Zoonotic Emerging Disease Outbreaks: The Need to Complement One Health with Ethical Considerations I co-authored with Salome Dürr was just published in the Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research.

13.1.2021: The article Emerging Zoonotic Diseases: Should We Rethink the Animal–Human Interface? I co-authored was cited in the analysis paper The link between biodiversity loss and the increasing spread of zoonotic diseases of the European Parliament.

1.12.2021: The special issue of Bioethica Forum I co-edited with Minerva Rivas Velarde on Disability and Ethics was just published in paper. The whole issue will be soon available as open access.

3.9.2020: PhD student Emnée van den Brandeler has just joined my team.

Mira Reyes is visiting my group during September 2020 to discuss chapters of her PhD thesis.

Welcome to both of them!

30.4.2020: Starting June 2020, I will join the editorial board of The Journal of Ethics as associate editor. I will be responsible for submissions in animal ethics. I am looking forward to this new task!