
Outreach Activities

11/2023 — Bern, Switzerland: Invited talk about the ethics of using animals, annual meeting of the Veterinary office of Canton Bern, Switzerland

9/2023 — Geneva, Switzerland: Invited speaker for a podium discussion at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) about ethical and legal issues regarding genetically modified surplus animals in animal research.

7/2023 — Munich, Germany: Invited speaker for a podium discussion at LMU Munich (Germany) about (animal) ethical issues related to pandemic prevention.

11/2022 — Neuchâtel, Switzerland: Participant at a Roundtable on the question of whether veganism is a moral imperative; organized by the students’ organization PHINK! of Neuchâtel University

10/2021 — Basel, Switzerland: Presentation of my PRIMA-Project at the Humanities Faculty Meeting; Meeting with PhD students and young postdocs to give them career advice

5/2019 — Fribourg, Switzerland: Presentation for the Science et Cité School Project Science and You(th)

3/2019 — Geneva, Switzerland: «Les devoirs de l’humain envers les animaux.» Collège deSaussure, Genève

12/2017 — Neuchâtel, Switzerland: Participant at a Roundtable on implicit bias in academia, organized by the students’ organization PHINK! of Neuchâtel University

Services to the Profession



  • Member of the Council of the Arts, Media, Philosophy Department, University of Basel, Switzerland

  • Member of the department council, representing the scientific collaborators in the philosophy department, University of Fribourg, Switzerland (2016-2019)

  • Member of the council of the Institute for Ethics and Human Rights, University of Fribourg, Switzerland (2016-2019)


  • Associate Editor of The Journal of Ethics

  • Member of the Editorial Board of Bioethica Forum (co-responsible for the viewpoint section)¨

  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Animal Law, Ethics and One Health (LEOH)

  • Member of the Board of Ethica

  • Guest editor for special issues of the journals Bioethica Forum, Ethica, and Les ateliers de l’éthique / The Ethics Forum

Conference Organization:

  • Workshop Rethinking Institutions for Animals, University of Basel (with Emnée van den Brandeler, 7. & 8.5.2024)

  • Thematic organizer of the annual workshop of the Swiss Society for Biomedical Ethics, on the topic of One Health Ethics (January 2024)

  • Co-organization of the 2nd Swiss Animal-Environmental Ethics Network Meeting, the University of Fribourg (with Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, 9.11.2023)

  • Co-organization of the first Swiss Animal-Environmental Ethics Network Meeting, at the University of Fribourg (co-organized with Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, 3.11.2022)

  • Workshop What we owe to animals’, University of Basel and Fribourg, 5/2022 (co-organized with Laura Garcia Portela)

  • Conference on the ethics of using and killing farm animals (co-organised with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FIBL, June 2021

  • Workshop with Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen on discrimination and affirmative action (co-organised with Christian Maurer and Nenad Stojanovic), University of Lausanne, June 2019

  • CUSO doctoral school on empathy, compassion and attention in ethics at Fribourg University (co-organised with Elodie Malbois and Maude-Ouellette-Dubé), September 2018; external funding obtained: 6020 CHF.

  • Organization (with Dominic Roser, Institute for Ethics and Human Rights) of the international Conference Representing the Unrepresented”, University of Fribourg, September 2017 (external funding obtained: 5400 CHF)

  • Organization of a one-day workshop on vulnerability in healthcare, Institute for Health and Social Policy IHSP, McGill University, Montréal [8/2016]

  • Organization of a Monthly Colloquia (2010-2011) for all PhD students working on Ethics at University of Geneva, Switzerland; tasks: Planning and Organization

Referee Work:

  • Article Reviewer for the journals Ethical Theory and Moral Practice; Journal of Medical Ethics; Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy; Bioethica Forum; Ethics Forum/Les Ateliers d’Ethique; Journal of Human Rights Practice; Animals; Society & Animals Journal; Zeitschrift für praktische Philosophie; and Res Publica. A Journal of Moral, Legal and Political Philosophy; Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research

  • Book Reviewer for Routledge

  • Project proposal review for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft” DFG.

  • Essay grading for the semi-final of the Swiss Philosophy Olympiad 2015 and finals 2017 and 2019

  • Abstract review for the 17th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bioethics and Medical Humanities ASBH in Houston, Texas (USA)

Professionalization in Philosophy:

  • Organization of a workshop on planning academic careers, University of Basel; invited speaker: Steve Cooke (spring 2024)

  • Organization of a workshop on the SWIP Switzerland Good Practice Guidelines and canon expansion, University of Basel; invited speakers: Stephanie Deig and Manuel Fasko (Spring 2024)

  • Lunch talk on how to apply for postdoc positions, for MA- and PhD students, University of Basel (Winter 2019)

  • Lunch talk on how to write an academic article, for MA- and PhD students, University of Basel (Autumn 2019)

Media appearances

  • Interview for the Podcast ‘Tier und Jetzt’ of Animal Society

  • Interview on veterinary care ethics for companion animals, Galaxus (6/2024)

  • Interview on the ethics of eating animals, podcast Honigmelonenmond’ (12/2022)

  • Interview for the Swiss national evening news ’10 vor 10’ on the ethics of animal research (1/2022)

  • Interview for the journal Beobachter’ on the ethics of animal research (issue 18/2021)

  • Interview for the Swiss National TV lunch news on the ethics of chicken shredding (6/2021)

  • Interview for the journal Tierwelt’ on the ethics of disabled cats as companion animals (2021)

  • Interview for the journal Beobachter’ on fox fur (2021, video interview)

  • Interview for the journal Freidenken’ on insects (issue 4/2020)

  • Interview for the Swiss Radio Podcast Hotspot’ on pigs, 5.10.2020

  • Interview for the Swiss Greenpeace Magazine on animal ethics, issue 3/2020

  • Interview for the journal Beobachter’ on pigs, 5.6.2020

  • Interview for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ on animal ethics, 3.1.2020

  • Interview for the journal Beobachter’ on Crowdbutchering, 7.11.2019.

  • Interview about chicken shredding for the newsportal Swissinfo.ch, 19.9.2019

  • TV discussant for Faut pas croire’, RTS1, 15.4.2019

  • Interview for the popular Science Journal of Fribourg University Universitas, on animal ethics (spring 2019)

  • TV Interview for the Tagesschau, SRF1, 4.10.2018, on the ethics of living with companion cats

  • TV discussant at the roundtable of La puce à l’oreille”, RTS1, on the latest book on animal ethics of Frédéric Lenoir (2017)

  • Radio Interview for Vacarme”, RTS 1, on the genetic engineering of animals (2017)

  • Radio Interview in En Ligne Direct’ RTS1, about the ethics of Foie Gras consumption (2013)